• Team Coaching & Mental Coaching Siegen Betzdorf


Coaching session content

We use systemic coaching methods, targeted open questions and effective coaching interventions where clear thought processes and new perspectives are stimulated.  Each person and each session is completely individual and based on an emphatic and appreciative relationship between me and you. 

We believe that the client knows what the best result and approach is for their unique situation. Therefor the coach does not need not be an expert in their clients’ theme or field of work.

Creative coaching (without medical license or non-medical practitioner training) is a form of conversational-therapy, but is not similar to psychotherapy. Therefore, it is not a recognised service by the public- or private-health insurances.



We clarify the coaching-session fee together in advance. Each coaching-session is paid in advance through an electronic bank transfer. There are no bankcard facilities currently available at the coaching practice location. An invoice will be sent to you by email after each session.

*Quotations for company seminars are available on request.


Bank details

IBAN: DE77 1001 1001 2626 445991, Account holder: Robin van den Berg, Bank name: N26 Bank GmbH, Bank address: Klosterstraße 62, 10179 Berlin, Deutschland.


Introductory talk

In a pre-meeting (non-binding) of about 20 minutes we get to know each other and we can clarify general questions about the coaching and the theme that you want to be coached on. This pre-meeting is free of charge and can be chosen to be done on the phone, online or in person.

Together we find out:

  • what exactly brings you here
  • where your strengths and resources lie in relation to your challenge
  • what solutions you have already tried before
  • what your goal could be and to what extent we can accompany and support you in achieving your goal
  • what coaching format do you prefer, either online or onsite


Coaching duration

Each personal coaching session for individuals usually lasts 60 minutes. Outdoor coaching sessions for individuals lasts 75 minutes. You decide on the frequency of the sessions. After each session you can decide if and when to continue and when exactly the next coaching session should take place.

The number of sessions depends entirely on your needs and wishes. My work is characterized by the fact that there tends to be relatively few sessions with longer time intervals. This means for you a manageable time process with manageable costs. Our progress is monitored at regular intervals and the direction is redefined when necessary.

Sometimes it only takes a few sessions to make a big change, sometimes it takes longer. You can stop the the coaching at any time you wish.


Risks and side effects

When you begin the sessions, it is possible that you may initially experience a temporary worsening of your condition or certain "side effects" such as headaches, fatigue, irritation, or altered emotionality, among other things, as you work through previously unconscious content. It is recommended that you take care of yourself after the sessions, for example by seeking sufficient rest and relaxation (or whatever feels good to you then).



Cancellation is possible at any time spontaneously. The termination is made by a short message to me. Either by phone or in writing (email), with or without giving reasons. Appointments can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours before.

Please send an email with the cancellation request to robin@wamvenga.com. Within 48 hours of the coaching session a fee of 50% of the booked service will be charged. Coaching appointments that are not cancelled will be charged in full.



Each coaching is offered in German, English or Dutch. 


Health insurance coverage

The coaching services are self-pay services and are not covered by public or private health insurance. You do not need a referral from your family doctor for coaching with me. You pay for the services yourself and can decide on the duration and frequency of the sessions.


Online coaching

We use the coaching platform "Fly". It has the highest standards of data security. It has great features such as an online whiteboard and online post-it functionality. Prior to the appointment, you will receive a Fly-link to the session by email. Fly works on a cell phone, laptop, PC, or tablet. It is not necessary to download any software or app upfront. 

Coaching-sessions can also always take place spontaneously as an online meeting, if you can not appear for some reason, in person. Please let me know this 2 hours in advance.


Coaching location

The preferred coaching location will be determined together. Our coaching room is located in Kirchen (Sieg) between Siegen and Betzdorf. The address is:

Wilhelmstrasse 11, 57548, Kirchen (Sieg), Germany


Parking facilities

You can park your car free of charge in the surrounding area.


Outdoor coaching

When we have agreed on a coaching outdoors, please wear closed footwear suitable for easy hiking trails and (warm) clothing suitable for the weather forecasted. 

For each outdoor coaching, we normally meet at an agreed spot close by a forest or nature area.


Discretion and free will

Once you contact me, your concerns and our talks are under complete confidentiality and discretion. I will not talk about the coaching, nor will I let others know that I coach you when we meet each other per coincidence outside our sessions.  

You have always the freedom to choose to end the coaching at any time or moment you feel is best for you.


Get in touch