In nature, we see everywhere how teams function successfully: Ants show us how division of labour works perfectly, fish teach us intelligent shoaling behaviour, starlings form flight formations to protect themselves from airborne attackers, wolves organize themselves into packs. We humans also need each other. We belong to families, create networks in our private and professional lives and usually work in teams. Nature teaches us how to build and maintain successful teams.
Being in Fiji

Our blogs form part of a number of short stories where wilderness and nature experiences can be found. They can serve you to remind that observing wilderness restores you, coaches you and inspires us to create your world, day in and day out “Nature” is coaching us.
This blog is about the importance to find yourself and be active in the right environment where flow and providence moves.
All great stories start with, there was once... and, so does this one. There was once a farmer in Iceland and his dream was to build up a great farm full of mango trees, full of his favourite fruit. Now, that is easier said than done. Of course he needed to have the "right" type of mangos to grow and also the ones that he believed were the most delicious. He already saw himself standing in between his trees and that vision and image of him made him already smile and feeling very happy. So, he started immediately by doing the research and preparation to fulfil his dream. He found out that he had to do lots of investments; money, energy and time. All to fulfil his dream and make his vision come true. He could not stand the thought that when he would tell stories to his grandchildren that he never tried to fulfil this one dream. The farmer went on with preparing everything. He started with what a good garden should always start with; the soil. He brought in truck loads of more suitable soil for the mango trees and also implemented a great watering system. He also saw that the climate in Iceland was too cold and the air was too dry for most of the year to let the Mango's grow. He therefor built a big greenhouse that he could warm up and that had always the right moisture levels for the mango trees. When everything was done, the day came that he could finally plant his trees. What a great day! He carefully planted the first 100 mango trees in his greenhouse. During the next months he noticed that the mango trees needed more light and more and better quality soil as they grew slower than expected. He once more put in more investments, energy and time in there to really let them thrive. Unfortunedly the mango trees were still growing much slower as the usually did in other countries around the world where they normally grew. He was beginning to doubt his decision to grow them and that it was all a foolish dream... It definitely costed him lots of worrying, energy and time to maintain the trees and keep them healthy. He didn't expect that when he started the project.
In the meantime the farmer had received from a friend of him in the Fiji-islands an invitation to come to these islands for a sunny summer vacation. This friend was a Guava farmer that did very well with his plantation on the islands. The farmer from Iceland thought long and hard about the prospect of a vacation on Fiji and decided to go for four weeks to these beautiful palm-tree islands. He proudly brought with him a netted bag of his first mango's that were unfortunedly still small and green. On arrival the mango farmer put the mango's down nest to a table in a beautiful and lush garden. He totally forgot about his bag of mango's, that was standing next to the garden table in the gardens of the Guava plantation. Instead he went swimming and sailing at many points in Fiji with his friend. Two weeks later he suddenly remembered the bag of mango's and decided to show them to his friend. When he arrived at the garden table he found that all of the mango's had started to germinate and grow by themselves the first leaves and roots. The mango-farmer from Iceland was perplexed and stunned! Without any investment, time and energy spend, these fruits grew effortless and automatic by themselves on Fiji. The insight hit him as a thunderbolt. He suddenly realised, that he was busy realising his vision and dreams in the wrong environment. He had to change the element to realise his dreams as the best dreams should come naturally, easy and effortless. Not only his dream and vision was important but they were linked tightly and depending on WHERE they were realised.
This story gives us the insight that we not only have to take into account the content of the dreams and visions we would love to create but also that the environment that we are in needs to be evaluated. The main question is the following. Is it an area, business world, organisation, team, group of friends, environment or other element that we fit in and that actively and fully supports our dream or vision?
Did you experience in your life a time when everything or major parts of your life went effortless and easy?Where your life was in a flow? What element, group, organisation area or environment was that and what exactly made it so that you were in that flow? Find out where your Fiji is and where you are maintaining Ice-landic greenhouses!
Further Reading
Coach Me - these short articles are designed to help you develop a great and supportive inner attitude for yourself. An inner attitude that is more coherent with your outer appearance and with which you can make progress in both your business and private life. The approaches I choose come from my "best practices" in the team coaching and private coaching sessions I have conducted over many years. Today we are looking...
Coach Me - these short articles are designed to help you develop a supportive inner attitude for yourself. An inner attitude that is more coherent with your outer presentation and with which you can make moreprogress in both your business- and private life’s goals. The approaches I choose come from my "best practices" in the team coaching and private coaching sessions I have conducted over many years. Today we are looking at...
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